The lockdown is over since three/four months. Also there are strictly rules we have to follow which means whe have to wear face mask when we go out.
In less than 4 days, I will be back to my uni to move in my house with the rest of my stuffs. Few weeks ago, I had dropped my stuffs in my room that I have chose and spoke to the Landlord about the house, fire alarm and so on with my mum and sister. It would be strange but mostly exciting to be back and see my friends that I haven't see.
Right now, I already sorted my stuffs for my uni so I need to sort out and a bit clean my room before I'm leaving. I need to think what I need for uni because I'm moving in a house not the hall.
I heard about the uni information about the lectures and teaching- it will be online and face to face. Because of the COVID-19, that explains it changes. I don't know how long but we'll see what's happening the news of the COVID-19. I think it's not bad because it's for safety.
I completed the first year and now I'm in second year.