About Me

I live in the UK but was born in Nigeria. I was born profoundly deaf and I am cochlear implant user. 

I completed the Art and Design (UAL Diploma) Level 2 in 2016 and in 2017, the first year of my UAL Diploma in Photography. In 2018, I finished the second year of the Extended Diploma Photography. I commenced a 3-year programme for a B.A. Photography at the University of Portsmouth, the UK in September 2019. I want to raise awareness of cultural diversity through my photography and, in addition, to find different ways of expressing myself and communicating my experiences as a member of the deaf community.

I am interested in art, photography and fashion design. Also, I love watching Korean drama, kpop and sometimes Japanese drama. I like to listen to any music such as hip-hop, pop, rapper and more. I'm currently learning BSL which stands for British Sign Language.

What I write here on my blog is that I talk about photography I learn from Uni and home, and personal such as deafness, experiences, social life, good/bad news and go on.