Before starting the first year in September, I had a chat with my sister about university because she studied in Scotland. I know I was always shyish when I meet new people, but I was trying to confident. My sister gave me helpful advice.
When I arrived in Portsmouth, I went to my hall to get the keys and the room number. I dropped my stuffs with my mum and brother. I went to the kitchen to choose the cupboard that I would use. Then I went to the town with my mum to get the freshers tickets and filled in the hospital thing form. I went to the hotel with my mum and brother to spend time before they went home the next day. Before I started uni, I chose mix-sex to share with kitchen on the online, and after a while, I got received the email saying I got single-sex rooms which were fine with me. So I finished sorting out my room, and went to the kitchen, saw my flatmates. It turned out it was five boys, and I was the only girl to share the kitchen. I was surprised. I didn't know what to do like how do I have a conversation with them. I met new friends in the same hall.
I was worried about how do I make a new friend. I'm was thinking that I should tell new people that I'm deaf or not. I was quite not good at making a new friend or having a conversation, but I would try. I had discussed with my sister before she went to Scotland and
texted her as well. My sister sent me the video of her friend, and both of them told me not to worry, and I would be fine. They told me that I was amazing something like that. It was helpful for me. I had sent a little each present to both of them for thanking them. I went to the class which I'm studying photography. I met new friends in class. I discovered one of them went to the hall opposite to mine and about two people who liked kpop (Korean pop) same as me.
I signed up for Korean and Japanese societies. I wanted to sign up for BSL (British Sign Language), but unfortunately, it didn't fit in my timetable so I will try in the second year hopefully.
I also met new people in a different course, Korean and Japanese societies. They were nice. I felt good and comfortable to chat with. It wasn't easy for me but keep trying. I didn't tell people in Korean/Japanese societies that I'm deaf. But I told my friends in different and the same courses. With the same course, my classmates/friends knew that I'm deaf because I had an interpreter and notetaker and probably I might say it. With the different course, I remember that one of them asked me why I couldn't go through the x-ray and I explained to them. Now they know that I'm deaf. At first, in my head- I was like it would be fine, but then I was relieved and happy.
I got a message from my friend, she asked if I wanted to come to the cinema with them and I replied to said yes. I was pleased. We went to see the IT Chapter 2. I had no idea about IT, so I managed some watch the first film on my laptop before the cinema. Honestly, I'm not scared of the scary movie at all.
My friend from the same course invited me to her place. My other friend who lived opposite to my hall, we walked together to my friend's place. I brought plantain I cooked because she loved them. I met my friend's friend at the place, and we all were hanging out and chatting. We were playing the game; it was fun and funny. We were discussing food in our culture. Another day, we drove around the town and had a drink. It was fun.
Korean society I have learned the language, culture, games, activities and watch films. With Japanese society, it's same as Korean society but not film. It was really interesting to learn and fun. I would love to learn languages more.
Let's talk about the course. Was it easy? Was it hard? Was it fun? Well, to be honest, I wonder that did I mistake to go to uni? Maybe. But from September till October or November, I was confused about the briefs because I had many brief and I didn't know what supposed to be or go with. I asked my classmate to clarify, and it turned out it was helpful.
The group tutorial was helpful because it would help to get feedback to improve. One thing that I hate was the mid crit. The mid crit is basically what you are going to show and explain what is it about in the front of people. So we had like about 4 group tutorials, and when the mid crit come, two groups would come together. I didn't feel confident when the mid crit because if I had interpreter, it would be great. But I had notetaker; it was kind of hard to understand the feedback from my peers and tutor. I honestly preferred small group rather than whole groups.
The lectures? Please don't get me started. Sometimes, I was kind of bored or getting sleepy. But the good thing is that I had notetaker. I couldn't write the notes and listen to the lecturer at the same time. And sometimes, I have learnt interesting from the lectures, and it would be good to use for the projects. I get that the lectures might be boring but at the end, it help you get idea for your project and essay.
It was challenging to do the briefs, but I had great support from my interpreter, notetaker, friends and Specialist Support
Professional for Deaf. At first, I wanted to give up or drop out but I couldn't, and I had to keep trying. Also, I found a challenge to meet new people because at first, I was kind of scared, but I took the courage to have a conversation with. Like 'would they like me?' 'How would I know how to start with the communicate?' And I was worried about my deafness, like 'would they okay with me being deaf?' 'Would they accept me' Would they like me?' Would they understand?'. I sometimes tell new people that I'm deaf or not. These questions that I have bee thinking to meet new people. I had a chat with my sister about that, and she encouraged me not to worry, gave me a little positive speech.

I know that it would hard but don't give up. If they say something that you're not happy, then prove them wrong no matter what. You have done really well. Proud of yourself, no matter whether bad or good. Meeting new people is great and positive; you would never know until you find something common or having fun together.