CGI means Computer Generated Imagery.

My tutor taught the class and me what we did need and how do we use lighting equipment in the studio. We had to measure how far from the camera to the model and from the model to the softbox. I directed her to put her hand out as I had an idea which I wanted her hand out like the raindrops or the leaves fall on her hand.
I didn’t manage to take photoshoots on my own time because the university was closed and coronavirus. I didn’t know what to do, but I decided to use this photo. I have edited it as well.

I had lessons when my tutor taught to show how to use CGI. It was hard, and I was not quite good at remembering what did I need to do and how because it was lots of information about the CGI such as textures, area, objects, light and more.
Since the lockdown of COVID-19, I managed to watch a tutorial video of a moodle and youtube to learn. I had search 3D objects on the google because my idea of CGI was the garden I wanted to like in the future. It took me ages like about between 30 mins and 1 hour.

I had different angles of images composited. I chose this one for the final. Then I asked my classmate about it for the feedback that what could I improve. She gave the feedback, and I improved, which was the shadows of the model and tree. I am pleased with it.