During the college, I have applied many universities to study photography and arrt and design and I got help by my family and supporters from my college. Especially, with the personal statements too.
Around in between March and April, I got three universities offers from Portsmouth, London and Southampton, which were two unconditional and one conditional. I told my family as soon as I heard. We were so happy. I didn't know what to choose between three universities so my sister suggested to look up about pros and cons of universities on the websites and youtube. So I did. I have dicussed with my parents about it as well. I have been thinking and made a decision. I chose Portsmouth.
Few months later, I have been apply the student finance and especially DSA which stands for Disabled Student Allowance. Also, I have been waiting for renewal passport because I need it for the student finance for the evidence. Bascially, ASDAC (Additional Support and Disability Advice Centre) called and we discussed with my sister about what did I need support. My sister and I explained about the passport. About a month or two later, I found out that I have been deferred which that was not I wanted and my family and I were disappointed. I remembered one thing, my sister told my mum about the defer and my mum came home after finished her work, she cried because she was sorry for me. I felt bad and I told her don't be and it was not her fault. My family and I were trying battle with the university to not get defer.
Around in the Summer, I have recived my photography result from the post and I got distinction which I was very pleased. I went to the college to collect my results which were maths and English. I didn't paased my maths (I was so close damn it, but who cares) and finally I passed my english. I thought the English would difficult because they changed the exam paper which it used be one paper but now it's two papers and they changed the questions as well. It turned out It wasn't bad.
I made bucket list for gap year which were travel, job and probably driving theory. While I was at home, I have been watching, cooking dinner. Also, I have been looking for a job and it was difficult.
In the winter, I had a plan for the photography and thought of the locations. I went out to take photos and I decided to walk from my home to the town, then I took photos that something catched my eyes. I came home to do editing and went out other days to take photos again. I have been working on the editing and posted them on my instagram.
There were three different locations: the castle, the restaurant and near my home. They were successful. Before do photography, it was my sister suggested to take photos outside. I was glad that I did.

On my birthday, I got fashion book and sketchbook as a present from my family. I love design fashion. Bascially, I showed my fashion design book to my family and a few months ago, I showed my sister my drawing of Hayley Kiyoko. That's what they came up idea of birthday presents. So I could use the books to practise. I thanked my family for it.

I have dicussed with my family about visiting my sister in Glasgow. So I went there. My sister took me to many places such as botanic gardens, the university, lighthouse, galleries, Necropolis and the town. I have been photography through the places I went. I went to the fashion show with my sister and her friends. The fashion show was amazing. I wasn't able to use my old phone to take photo or/and the
the videos of the fashion because my old phone was slow and enough space. But luckily, my sister took the videos and sent them to me on the social media. Thanks to my sister who took me there, It was great time to spend with my sister in Glasgow.
I have been working on design the fashion. I used my fashion book that I had on my birthday. It was useful and I learned how to draw the body. I had already done on the first design which I decided to choose my artwork. The design was I created the patterns from the nigerian clothes from the college which I used to studying Art and Design in first year. I created that patterns was for the fabric for the final project. That was meant for the fashion but instead, the tiles and fabric.

Bascially, I had nigerian clothes to take photos of it and especailly the patterns. I printed the photos off and I cut out the pattens and I drew the patterns of nigerian clothes. I collaged them all together to experiment and colours as well. I used the pencil, pen, cardboard and inks. I scanned them. Then I used the website called Spoonflower and I put into my works of collages of patterns into the repeat types such as full drop, half drop, mirror and continous. I asked my supporters and my family members what they like between the range of different patterns and
they chose they like. I chose this pattern and I ordered the big fabric. It took two weeks arrived before the exhibition. The fabric was so long and amazing. I was pleased with it. That pattern I picked was already design I drew the fashion style. I continued another design fashion whatever I came up ideas.
I found a job which my sister used to work in childcare. I told them I was waiting for my passport as I mentioned. Finally the passport have arrived. I went to the interview for a job and I got it. Unforunately, I had just one shift and been paid. That was kind of disappinted.
I went to Glasgow with my family for my sister's graduation. I was so proud of my sister. We went to dinner for celebration.
In the July, I went to Hyper Japan second time in London with my friend and her dad. Hyper Japan is the largest exhibition celebrating Japanese culture to be held in the UK. They have food, anime, travel, game, art, technology, traditional, festivals and kpop stuffs.
We went there from the train and back home. We walked around the day and chatted together while her dad went to somewhere. It was fun. We spotted kpop stuffs. I bought kpop and art I liked finallyabout that time because I have saved money. I could use them on the wall when I go to the uni. I had a lunch and it was really nice. We enjoyed the Hyper Japan and hang out together.

My mum, siblings and I went to IKEA and costco for help me to packing for my uni and It was a lots. I had to make sure I got everything I need for the uni versity. My sister gave advice me about uni which was helpful.
If you decided to defer or taking gap year, you can. Make a bucket lists that you always wanted and you will make it happens. I'm sure you will love it whether bad or good. Take a relax, enjoy your time, and make a lovely memory. Then the end of year, you will be ready for your university, job or whatever you decided to next step.
On my lists I mentioned, I haven't tick on the travel and driving theory but that was okay because I could do another time. I didn't wanted gap year but I was glad that I did because I got spend time with my sister, drawing, photography, job and of course I got relax.
I hope you enjoy your gap year and fulfill your bucket lists as you always wanted.